ACOS SYSTEM Online Self Service Terminals

Since inception, Parkson Credit has been promoting an environment-friendly business model by moving away from conventional business operations that is detrimental to the environment. It started with the adoption of the latest web technology in its financing business that lessens the need for paper applications which gradually evolve into an efficient holistic paper-less solution.

Fast forward to today, the Company has been ramping up the efforts to empower its employees to embrace more green initiatives to make the organization eco-friendlier. While virtual meetings are the new normal, the Company is exploring virtual communication through digitalization whereby messages can be transpired to the intended party seamlessly without the need for any physical contact. For a start, this potentially can minimize the Company’s need to produce paper-based materials.

Furthermore, employees of the Company have been encouraged to adopt the concept of Responsible Consumption by cultivating the habit of using materials, energy and resources in a sustainable way to minimize impacts to the environment throughout the organization. These include to reduce amount of energy used in the office, water-saving, less paper print outs and many more. Efforts to educate the employees have been ongoing, to ensure each of them are in tune with the realization of using too much of certain resources which will then trigger an ‘enough’ reaction.