ACOS SYSTEM Online Self Service Terminals
    • 20 May 2020

    Beware of Fake Calls, Websites
    Fraudulent Financial Services

    Please take note that there has been a number of cases of persons pretending to be from Parkson Credit to solicit personal documents for misuse, the payment of ‘fees’ and/or entering into illegal lending arrangements. Parkson Credit would like to advise existing and potential customers to be wary of unsolicited communications offering financial products.

    In one of many ways that Parkson Credit is helping potential customers in separating genuine communications from the fake, Parkson Credit will always list its available products on only this website prior to making those products available to the general public. If the financing product carries Parkson Credit’s brand name but is not mentioned on this website, you can be assured that it is a scam.

    If you suspect the phone call, message or email is a scam, please do not respond or reveal your personal information to them. You can contact us (https://www.parksoncredit.com.my/fax-and-address.php?l=en) to confirm if the communication or offer is really from Parkson Credit, or report any communication or offer that you are reasonably sure is a scam. In either case, we at Parkson Credit will be happy to hear from you.

    Stay safe, stay vigilant!

    UPDATE: We have received information that there is a fake Parkson Credit website at http://www.parkson-credit.com. Please do not submit your personal information on that website as you may become a victim of scammers and illegal moneylenders. Parkson Credit does not operate that website and we are not affiliated with that website in any way. We are currently contacting the authorities to take action against the owners of the site for the safety of the public.