Going cashless by paying bills online has never been so crucial to our daily lives especially during the Movement Control Order (MCO).
By paying your bills through bank’s online channels as well as through JomPAY at the comforts of your own home, you are protected against an assortment of unpleasant external elements.
The benefits are many.
The risk of contracting the pandemic virus is lessen when you stay indoors to pay your bills via the online channel. You minimize the risk of physically contacting any contaminated surface for not going outdoors at this crucial period.
Why the need to spend the time going out when you can pay your bills with just a few clicks away in an instant? Imagine the traffic jams you can avoid. One minute saved is one minute gained in your life. Spend more of your time doing the things you love.
Avoid spending too much on unnecessary costs such as driving/riding out or paying for public transport just to physically get to the location to pay your bills. Worse of all, some locations may even charge parking fees. We advise you to fully utilize modern technology to save your money. Do it online.
Threats from potential robbers and snatch thieves are unpredictable hence we advise you to be alert at all times in whatever situation you may be. Having physical hard-earned money meant for living expenses being taken away by force is the last thing any individual would want. By going cashless, you cut away the chances for these threats to be fulfilled. Do your payments online to outsmart them.
To find out more details about our online payment channel as well as the steps to do so, you may go to https://www.parksoncredit.com.my/payment-internet.php?l=en. It is that easy!